By Abu Udhayfah Ibn Adetunji
Sun, 05-Apr-2020, 16:56

FIQH: SOCIETY AND FAMILY Home » Social Dealings » Family and Society  Covering in front of parents who are disbelievers


If the parents of a woman are disbelievers, is it necessary for her to wear hijaab infront of them?


If it be that she will be free of any fitnah then no, but if she fears from them that they would be put to trial due to her or attempt any lewdness with her then it is obligatory for her to wear hijaab infront of them.

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee
Ghaaratul ashritah, 'alaa ahlil jahl was-safsatah, volume 2, page 220
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

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