Covering in front of in-laws

FIQH: SOCIETY AND FAMILY Covering in front of in-laws

Question:Is it obligatory for the woman who lives in her husbands’ house along with the brothers of her husband and his father to remain covered in hijaab during the course of her work in the home due to the presence of the brothers of her husband? Answer:If they are present with her then so, otherwise if she is in a room by herself then no, and nor is it permissible for her to be alone with any one of the brothers of her husband, and likewise it is obligatory for her to cover her face and he...

Covering in front of in-laws

FIQH: SOCIETY AND FAMILY Covering in front of in-laws

Question:Is it obligatory for the woman who lives in her husbands’ house along with the brothers of her husband and his father to remain covered in hijaab during the course of her work in the home due to the presence of the brothers of her husband? Answer:If they are present with her then so, otherwise if she is in a room by herself then no, and nor is it permissible for her to be alone with any one of the brothers of her husband, and likewise it is obligatory for her to cover her face and he...

Is the ruling on birth control different to that of family limitation?

FIQH: SOCIETY AND FAMILY Is the ruling on birth control different to that of family limitation?

Question:Does the ruling on birth control differ from that of family limitation (of offspring)? Answer:Birth control has some detail to it. Therefore, I say that this thing, which has come to be known as "birth control" is from that which the Muslims of today are being tested by in the lands of Islaam. However, there are cases from it, which must be referred back to the motive behind it. An example of this is when the motive for this birth control is based on a prescription from Muslim doctor...

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